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2010 - Free Mused Literary Review Ebooks

The BellaOnline Mused Literary Review offers poetry, short stories, artwork, non-fiction works, plays, and interviews each quarter. The magazine is offered in ebook format for free! This gorgeous, formatted PDF is a delightful way to enjoy each season of the year. Mused is published on each solstice and equinox.

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Winter Solstice 2010 - Volume 4, Issue 4

The darkest night of the year, the moment when sunlight begins to grow and re-enter our world. The Winter Solstice. Our 2010 issue of Mused celebrates a renewal of our soul.

Handmade ornaments celebrate the natural beauty of wood and sea urchin. An elderly lady in China waits patiently with her wares. An empty bench invites you in for a rest.

A snowman ornament brings back memories of a gentler time. One poem celebrates a youth of watermelon juice and dark chocolate. Another delves the depths of a woman beyond despair.

Fiction stories explore the challenging world of Alzheimers and the crumbling charade of a failing marriage. Yet hope springs eternal, as another relationship tentatively unfolds.

Non-fiction tales give us a first-person view of the immigration process, of fighting through breast cancer, and spending Christmas alone.

Denise Mancuso, an artist in soap, creates visions too beautiful to eat. Her mission for you - "Find what you like to do, and follow through"!

Free Ebook Version of Winter Solstice 2010 Issue

Autumn Equinox 2010 - Volume 4, Issue 3

Autumn nurtures us with a swirl of vibrant colors, a snuggling of comfy sweaters, and a cupping of hands around warm, fragrant tea.

Poems draw you in with flying geese, butterscotch leaves, unruly gusts of wind, rolling thunder, sparkling cobblestones, misty clouds, lavender scented steam, and kaleidoscopes of emotions.

Artwork reveals a fog-enveloped pier, a rustic covered bridge, an ancient rock arch, traditional rooftops in France, and a glowing sunset in Hawaii.

Fiction stories envelop us in the world of a manipulative husband, a litter of kittens, and a wife who struggles to be secure.

Non-fiction lures us into a dusty attic, cringes from an alcoholic father, holds us tenderly during the passing of a beloved cat, and visits with the revered Eleanor Roosevelt.

Fantastic wood carver Janel Jacobson, who turns tiny pieces of wood into exquisite works of art, shares her inspiration with us: "What you can do, or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. --Goethe"

Free Ebook Version of Autumn Equinox 2010 Issue

Summer Solstice 2010 - Volume 4, Issue 2

Summer. Sprawl on the hammock and soak up the richness of Mused. A stroke-affected woman struggles to move on. A hospital patient finds strength to make a choice. Depression, loneliness, angst-filled remembrances - and also hope, longing, spell binding beauty.

Images nestle you in the hills of Sicily, walk with you along the Great Wall of China. Thunder with a horse in full gallop, rest with a pelican by the water, and share the tiny world of a ladybug. Feel peace with the mountains of the Grand Tetons.

Fiction stories send us back to a childhood of boiling crabs and avocado-green appliances. They muse about angels and peer into overflowing inboxes, full of curiosity.

Non-fiction shakes up our view of the world. Recovering from a breakup. Galloping full tilt across a Cairo desert. A play lazes on a Southern porch with a pair of flirtatious seniors.

Interviews help us grow and expand our horizons. Kendra Tornheim provides a wealth of information for crafters who want to start selling their wares. Learn from Lori Bernard how fictional short stories are created. She sums up our world beautifully - "some are sadder and will make you think, some are happier and will make you cry; some have that 'ah-ha' moment, and some have an unexpected twist." Join us for the journey.

Free Ebook Version of Summer Solstice 2010 Issue

Spring Equinox 2010 - Volume 4, Issue 1

Spring welcomes us with the freshness of a golden new day. Curl your toes in the warm sand of the New Jersey shore. Dip your fingers in the cool waters of an Italian waterfall fountain. Nuzzle the soft fur of a shaggy Scottish Highland cow.

Poetry adds in language to the visionary mix. Decorate your cheeks greenly with fingerpaints. Inhale fragrant lilacs. Savor the tangy-sweet juiciness of orange slices. Fiction stories expand the emotion. Enjoy a playful romp with a tumble of puppies, savoring the sunshine. Tag along at a western wedding in Albuquerque.

Non-Fiction sprinkles in the spice of reality. A couple drifts peacefully down the Presumpscot, accompanied by dragonflies and red-winged blackbirds. A remembered childhood is redolent with scents of cinnamon and brown sugar.

Featured poet Jody Zolli encourages us all. "Don’t give up, keep at it." The spotlight is yours. "I want the reader to follow the words wherever it takes them. Once a reader is involved, it’s no longer my poem, it’s their poem."

Free Ebook Version of Spring Equinox 2010 Issue

  A R C H I V E  

2017 Mused Literary Review Issues
2016 Mused Literary Review Issues
2015 Mused Literary Review Issues
2014 Mused Literary Review Issues
2013 Mused Literary Review Issues
2012 Mused Literary Review Issues
2011 Mused Literary Review Issues
2010 Mused Literary Review Issues
2009 Mused Literary Review Issues
2008 Mused Literary Review Issues
2007 Mused Literary Review Issues

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