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Stovetop Low Carb Recipes

by Lisa Shea
While microwaves can seem convenient, they also tend to encourage us to zap unhealthy food and chow it down while watching TV or playing on our laptop. These 32 stove-top recipes will help you slow down, eat less, and create delicious, healthy food.

While microwaves can seem convenient, they also tend to encourage us to zap unhealthy food and chow it down while watching TV or playing on our laptop. These 32 stove-top recipes will help you slow down, eat less, and create delicious, healthy food.

So much of our world is rush-rush-rush in our modern era. We want quick updates on our smartphones. We crave instant news via Twitter. But often it’s important to slow down. The more we pay attention to how we live, and how we eat, the healthier we become.

Cooking food on a stove reconnects us with what we are doing. It lets us smell the simmering sauce. It lets us stir the dinner into rich life. The process encourages us to pay attention to what we eat, to savor it, and to maintain reasonable portions.

All of these things draw us into a healthier lifestyle.

Make stove-top meals a regular part of your menu! Invest the time in your health. Your body will thank you with years of healthy, enjoyable life.

In addition to the recipes, all of my low carb books provide appendices which explain how to successfully manage a low carb diet.

PDF viewer note: The PDF is laid out so you're able to print it into a three ring binder if you wish, with the pages falling properly on double-sided printing. To see that same effect in your PDF viewer, first go into View - Page Display - Two Page view in order to have a two-page view with a left and right page. Then use View - Page Display - Show Cover Page so that the initial cover page shows up first and doesn't impact that two page review.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions! I frequently update all my low carb books based on your recommendations.

Pages: 103
Price: $0.99 US

Buy Stovetop Low Carb Recipes from Kindle

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